It is winter here and reading in bed becomes a must as I hunker down and do everything but actually hibernate for the cold months. Currently I am reading “Dewey: A small-town library cat who touched the world”. There is nothing better than frightful weather howling outside and me, inside, under covers and propped against […]
Well, I thought pillow chairs only came in a few comfy varieties but I was wrong! I found this snuggly pillow when searching for a new pillow chair for a family member who needs a lesson in relaxation. I really want to buy it but I think it’s more fun to look at.
Is it a pillow chair? How about, reading pillow? Yeah, I don’t really know either. Let’s refer to them as both. I think of it as a pillow chair when I’m lying against to watch TV, or sew or write but when I’m reading I refer to it as my reading pillow. It plays a […]
Reading is one of my favorite things to do. I always have a book in my bag and I’ll read in line at the grocery store, on the bus and during muted TV commercials. Another great place to read is in the bathtub. I know warm, bubbly water and paper don’t mix, but as long […]
After being put on bedrest for the last 5 months of my pregnancy I started to hate my bed. I never, ever thought I’d say those words. Lying in bed is not the cushiony, secure place after 2 weeks that you imagine it is while filing papers at your job. I pretty much was losing […]