It is winter here and reading in bed becomes a must as I hunker down and do everything but actually hibernate for the cold months.
Currently I am reading “Dewey: A small-town library cat who touched the world”. There is nothing better than frightful weather howling outside and me, inside, under covers and propped against my bed reading pillow, reading about animals who change the lives of people like me.
If you are looking for a way to treat yourself, buy yourself a back pillow chair. They keep you upright to read on the couch or in bed, or even on the floor if you want to cozy up by the fireplace. Reading pillows keep you warm and help to reduce slouching, which we tend to do when stooping over a book when lying in bed against regular pillows.
Reading in bed is a luxurious past-time. If you want ultimate comfort buy yourself a reading in bed back pillow chair and stay warm through this season!