Pillow Chair

26 Aug, 2008

Pillow Chairs Rule!

Posted by: Chief Lounger In: Pillow Chair

After being put on bedrest for the last 5 months of my pregnancy I started to hate my bed. I never, ever thought I’d say those words. Lying in bed is not the cushiony, secure place after 2 weeks that you imagine it is while filing papers at your job. I pretty much was losing my mind.
What do you do when you HAVE to be in bed? read. watch tv. eat. That pretty much sums it up. I couldn’t have lived without my pillow chair. I propped that thing behind me, I was allowed to “sit up” for a couple hours per day and it saved my sanity. Believe it or not, while resting against the pillow chair I was able to lean a guitar against my baby bump and learn to play. That became the highlight of my day for several months, my son is going to be a musical genius!

Now that I’m no longer bed-bound I still use my pillow chair, although i try to avoid too much lying in bed–I think I’m a little afraid of it after that long 5 months. =) I’m a little peeved that I didn’t invent this fluffy, handy piece of cotton myself! Who knew? I can bring it down to the ground and use it while I sit on the floor, I can prop it anywhere while I breastfeed, I’m tempted to use it in my car but that may be a little overboard.

Thank goodness for the pillow chair. This blog is for people who love pillow chairs, feel free to comment if you are bed bound and want to give your opinions! I know just how uncomfortable laying in bed for hours on end can actually be. Stop by, say hi.

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