Pillow Chair

27 Aug, 2008

Favorite place to read?

Posted by: Chief Lounger In: Pillow Chair

Reading is one of my favorite things to do. I always have a book in my bag and I’ll read in line at the grocery store, on the bus and during muted TV commercials. Another great place to read is in the bathtub. I know warm, bubbly water and paper don’t mix, but as long as you don’t get too drunk on the glass of wine you poured yourself then you won’t drop the book into the tub! Where do you love to read?

A few friends of mine are entering grad school this year…they have A TON of reading to do, not pleasure reading either. Their books are the size of suitcases and filled with legal terminology and *gag* math. My friends were looking a little forlorn so I told them to pamper their reading time by submitting to comfort and searching online for some reading chairs/pillow chairs to ease their reading woes. Also, I suggested they get a special reading light; the ones with bulbs that give off a more natural light that is easy on the eyes. These 2 items should really make reading hefty Grad School materials a little more enjoyable. Hopefully they won’t fall asleep. It got me to thinking about how much reading is a good, relaxing part of life and having the comfortable support in your surroundings to make you read more can only be a good thing, right?

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